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Steel is a fascinating material. It can however be corroded by the elements and air contamination. Corrosion is responsible for more than 90 billion euros worth of damage every year in Germany alone. Hot-dip galvanizing protects steel from corrosion in an economical and environmentally-friendly manner and considerably increases its service life: corrosion protection lasts for decades.
Hot-dip galvanizing involves dipping steel into a zinc smelter ca. 450° C following the appropriate pre-treatment. Zinc and steel will then react with one another. An iron-zinc alloy will form on the surface of the steel. This indissoluble compound of zinc and steel creates a protection, which is clearly different from all other processes. Hot-dip galvanized surfaces are not just protected from wind and the weather but also optimally protected from mechanical exposure – for decades. Under normal conditions, hot-dip galvanizing will protect against corrosion for up to 50 years and generally more than 25 years in the case of higher exposure levels.
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